Immanuel Mifsud

Immanuel Mifsud (born September 12, 1967) is a writer of poetry and prose, born in Paola, Malta. He was for a time involved in research theatre. He wrote six collections of short stories, six poetry collections, and also children stories.


Prose work

1991: Stejjer ta' Nies Koroh (Stories of Ugly People)
1993: Il-Ktieb tas-Sibt Filgħaxija (The Book for Saturday Night)
1999: Il-Ktieb tal-Maħbubin Midruba (The Book of Maimed Lovers)
2002: L-Istejjer Strambi ta' Sara Sue Sammut (Sara Sue Sammut's Strange Stories)
2005: Kimika (Chemistry)
2006: Happy Weekend (in English)


1998: Fid-Dar ta' Clara (At Clara's)
2001: Il-Ktieb tar-Riħ u l-Fjuri (The Book of the Wind and Flowers)
2004: Polska-Slovensko (bilingual, Maltese-English)
2005: km (bilingual, Maltese-English)
2005: Confidential Reports (in English)
2007: Poland Pictures (in English)

Children's Literature

2004: Stejjer li Kibru fl-Art (Stories Growing on the Ground)

Literary Awards

External links